Top Tips for Buying a Defibrillator
An automatic external defibrillator (AED) works by helping to restore the heart back to its natural rhythm once someone has suffered a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). They cleverly scan the heart’s rhythm and if needs to, will administer a shock. AED’s are used across the country and are stored in schools, offices, shops, sports facilities and supermarkets to assist when someone suddenly falls ill.Designed to be user friendly, AED’s can be used by anyone regardless of whether they have any medical
14th Feb 2020
Why defibrillation is so important!
Why defibrillation is so important: (Source Mediana Hearton AED Defibrillator)
Four times as many women die as a result of a heart attack than they do from breast cancer.In the UK, twelve people under the age of 35 die every week due to sudden cardiac arrest.For every minutes delay, a victim's chance of surviving a sudden cardiac arrest drops by 7-10%.70% of cardiac arrests occur outside of a hospital environment.Almost 95% of sudden cardiac arrest victims die before reaching hospital
7th Nov 2014