7 Fire Safety Tips for the Workplace

7 Fire Safety Tips for the Workplace

Keeping staff members safe in the workplace is extremely important, which is why, here at Risk Assessment Products, we have gathered 7 safety tips that can be followed to create a fire safe environment.

1. Install and Maintain Fire Detection Systems

Fire detection systems are a legal requirement within all businesses. There are two types of systems to choose from; the first is a manual system which needs to be activated by a staff member to sound an alarm. The second is an automatic system which detects a fire through smoke or heat and automatically sets off a fire alarm. These alarms are then a notification for anyone inside a building to evacuate immediately.

As these systems can help a building be evacuated quickly before a fire has time to spread, it is highly important to regularly test that they are working correctly. Failure to do so can lead to lives being put in danger.

2. Emergency Plans

All businesses and organisations should create a fire plan, which includes what steps that need to be taken if a fire is discovered, what equipment needs to be purchased, evacuation procedures and warning system. This ensures that in the event of a fire procedures can be easily followed and all the equipment that may be needed purchased.

3. Fire Escape Routes

Part of creating an emergency plan is to plan a fire escape route so that people can safely and easily evacuate a building. This route should be obstacle free, be clearly signed, be well lit and lead to a safe point away from the building. Your Fire escape route should be planned in accordance with the local fire authority to ensure they are effective.

4. Designate Fire Wardens

To ensure that all procedures are planned and followed correctly, trained fire wardens can be appointed. This can be one person or more depending on the size of the business or organisation. Once the fire warden training has been completed the staff member will be trained in evacuations, fire extinguishers, emergency plans and the testing of fire equipment.

5. Know Your Fire Extinguishers

Depending on how and where a fire starts, depends on which fire extinguisher should be used to put the fire out. If the wrong type of extinguisher is used, then this could actually lead to fires getting worse, which is why it is important that fire wardens and employees are educated on the fire extinguisher within the business.

6. Educate Employees

All staff member within a building should be educated on fire safety. They should know where the fire alarms and escape routes are, as well as knowing the procedures to follow if a fire is spotted or if the alarm goes off. One way in which this can be done is to hold regular fire drills, where the procedures need to be followed correctly. This will also show any flaws in the emergency plan and where it needs to be improved.

7. Promote Good Housekeeping

Clutter and unneeded rubbish can cause a fire safety hazard in the workplace, it can cause fires to spread quicker and act as obstacles in the way of fire exits. Which is why it is important that workplaces are kept tidy and hazard free.

Here at Risk Assessment Products, we have a collection of fire equipment that will help improve the fire safety of any building. This equipment includes fire hoses, fire alarms, extinguishers, escape equipment, fire safety training DVD’s, signs and emergency lighting.

24th Aug 2018 Christopher Maltby JS

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